Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Elizabeth on Worry

From Discipline, The Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot:

"1.  Worry is totally fruitless.  Have you ever succeeded in adding an inch where you wanted it, or subtracting one where you didn't want it, merely by being anxious?  If you can't accomplish that by worrying, what can you accomplish?
2. Worry is worse than fruitless; it is disobedience.  Note these commands:

Fret not.
Fear not.
Let not your hearts be troubled.
Be not dismayed.
Be of good cheer.

3.  Worry is taking the not-given -- for example, tomorrow.  Tomorrow is not ours to worry about.  We are allowed to plan for tomorrow, but we are not allowed to worry about it.  Today's troubles are enough of a burden.  Jesus knew exactly what He was talking about when He said that.
4.  Worry is refusing the given.  Today's care, not tomorrow's, is the responsibility given to us, apportioned in the wisdom of God...
5.  Worry is the antithesis of trust.  You simply cannot do both.  They are mutually exclusive.
6.  Worry is a wicked squandering of time (as well as energy).

Direct your time and energy into worry, and you will be deficient in things like singing with grace in your heart, praying with thanksgiving, listening to a child's account of his school day, inviting a lonely person to supper, sitting down to talk unhurriedly with wife or husband, writing a note to someone who needs it."

So, I'm not.  Worried.  And I'm praying that YOU won't be either.  

Ah, my Father is in charge.  How simple!