Monday, December 8, 2008

Choosing Thankfulness

It is after 1:00 in the morning.

I am thankful for baby monitors.
I am thankful for that different sounding cry.
I am thankful for a 19 month old who STILL stays in his bed until we come get him.
I am thankful for a strong stomach.
I am thankful for a good hot water heater.
I am thankful for girls who are sound sleepers.
I am thankful for extra pajamas, mattress pads, sheets, and blankets.
I am thankful for toilets that flush.
I am thankful for my washing machine.

I am thankful for more extra sheets and blankets.
I am thankful for toilets that flush.
I am thankful for the stop and start option on my washing machine.

I am thankful for still more extra pajamas and sheets.
I am thankful for toilets that flush.
I am thankful for flower-scented hand soap.

It's all in the attitude.