Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I have finally gotten through to Isaak that "Because" is not a reason. Our conversations used to go something like this:

I: Mommy, do you know why I took my shirt off?
Me: No, why did you take your shirt off?
I: Because.

I'm not sure that our conversations have improved much, though. Now they tend to go something like this:

I: Mommy, do you know why I am wearing no shirt?
Me: No, why aren't you wearing a shirt?
I: Because I can get lots and lots of exercise running around like THIS!

And he runs off to demonstrate that THIS means running in gigantic circles, while I sit and wonder how that necessitates being shirtless. On the other hand, if Mr. Mark asks him if he likes lemonade:

I: Yes!
Mark: Why?
I: Because it's YUMMY!

Maybe I just ask the wrong questions!