Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pictionary Junior

Jaela and Macey got Pictionary Junior (recommended for ages 7 and up) for their birthday, and since Mike got home, we've been playing it as a family. The first few times we played, Mike and Anya were a team, Jaela and Macey were a team, Isaak was the designated die roller, and I monitored the cards Anya drew to make sure they were within her scope of drawing capabilities and I assisted occasionally with organizing her thought processes for guessing. (In other words, I gave her broad hints when she was on the right track.) :)

We're considering implementing a new set of rules, however, for future games.

Twins cannot be on the same team.

It just isn't fair to the rest of us.

This is a picture of the quick draw that won the game for Jaela and Macey. Jaela drew for less than 5 seconds, and Macey had the answer in three guesses, the first two being "ball" and "circles".

(And the answer is: Frog)