Wednesday, October 29, 2008 October!

It's been an interesting day.  We headed out early to run some errands before we started school, and the first store was closed, at the second we got just what we needed, and at the third...well, I always spend more at Walmart than I plan to.  What made it really interesting, though, was the fact that we are still paying for everything in cash...and the cash is slowly but surely disappearing (as cash has a way of doing!).

When, after two days of searching, Mike's wallet still hadn't turned up, I took out a bunch of cash (enough to last us a few weeks, just in case), and then we cancelled our debit and credit cards.  No problem.  As soon as we get the paperwork to get new ones issued, we'll have new cards within the week.  Yesterday, someone found Mike's wallet at the hangar, only three days late to un-cancel the debit and credit cards.  Still, not a problem.

Oh, wait!  NOW we find out that Mike leaves Sunday for an overnight Florida, where he'll have to pay out of pocket (although he'll be reimbursed in the long run) for hotel and meals.  Hmm.  That pile of cash suddenly isn't looking too healthy!  But thanks to my secret stash of emergency cash (and I think this qualifies as an emergency!) and a quick trip to a bank to turn all my coins into paper money...he'll be set and ready to go.  And I have a feeling that after all this, it will be quite a while before he loses his wallet again!

In spite of all the wallet-related extra trips, headaches, and phone calls, combined with the fact that life has continued on at its same crazy pace, we are doing well.  Everyone is healthy, we're right on track with our lessons, and I'm even staying caught up on laundry and dishes.  And, since I've been counting my blessings all day, I got ambitious and made Thanksgiving dinner for dinner!