Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Summer Afternoon Field Trip

This afternoon, Mary and I took the kids on a field visit the chickens that lay our eggs (and the people that kindly share with us!)  The chickens were a little skittish today after a few of them were chased and killed by a dog yesterday, but the kids and Mary were perfectly content to hang back and admire the chickens from afar.

We all watched as Miss Vickie showed us how she checks the nests for eggs, then the kids ran off to collect chicken feathers off the ground and swing on the swings.

They paid attention when I pointed out how the grape vines grow, and were very interested in the Japanese Beetles Mr. Doug pulled of the grape vines.  He showed the kids how to roll them in their hands so they couldn't fly, and threw the beetles to the chickens as a treat.

They inspected the garden next, and Miss Vickie let them each pick a yellow squash to bring home.  They saw the corn growing, 
the tomato plants staked up, and then they noticed the loooong row of
thornless blackberry bushes.  

Jaela and Macey picked double handfuls of blackberries with Miss Vickie, while Mr. Doug, Mary, Anya, Isaak and I investigated the asparagus that had been allowed to go to seed, and the empty blueberry bushes.  

Miss Vickie gave each of the girls a plastic bag, and showed them where the wild blackberries grow.  Isaak did his share of berry picking, with some guidance on which color of berry to pick!  He treated the wild, thorny berry bushes with the same disrespect he had given the thornless
bushes, and didn't even get scratched!  Beginner's luck...

Isaak had no hesitation in making friends with the farm cat, and it consented to be gently mauled by a two-year-old.  (Notice the chicken feathers all over the ground...this was the site of yesterday's chicken massacre.)

The girls wanted to see the cows, too, but the field was empty.  They were all down by the creek, out of sight, cooling off.

While Miss Vickie and Mary took the kids inside to have lemonade, Mr. Doug showed me his three hives of honey bees.  They really are fascinating little creatures (and I didn't even use the zoom lens!)  

I think I learned more than the kids did today!