The kids and I drove up to Betsey's house in Lynchburg, VA last Monday to begin our big adventure. The adventure we had planned was exciting all by itself: drive 9 hours from our house in TN to the Caballero house in VA on Monday, go to Colonial Williamsburg on Wednesday, stay in a cabin at Fort Story, VA on Thursday and explore lighthouses and the Atlantic coast, visit Jamestown on Friday, and drive back to TN on Sunday.
The drive from Tennessee to Virginia on Monday was beautiful and uneventful. We spent Tuesday relaxing and finishing up last minute errands for our trip to east Virginia. Tuesday afternoon, it started to rain. It rained all night.
Wednesday we drove to Colonial Williamsburg, ignoring the facts that the rain was not letting up, and that the closer we got to Williamsburg, the windier it got. We bundled up in our coats and umbrellas, and went exploring. We practically had the place to ourselves. :)
We explored the gardens of the Governor's Palace,
and the kids had a blast running around through the maze.
By the time we reached the blacksmith's shop, Isaak was soaked to the waist from splashing in puddles, and the girls and Betsey's boys were only slightly more dry.
The blacksmith's fire was nice and warm, and when we reluctantly left it, we caught a shuttle bus to the parking lot and went back to our van to change into dry clothes and head to the cabin at Ft. Story.
Experiencing our first
Nor'easter was NOT in the plan, but it happened anyway. Thursday was nasty. If you like storms though, like I do, it was beautiful. We ventured out once to go get food, and since we had come to see the Atlantic, we stopped to see the Atlantic.

We didn't get out of the van.
We also didn't go explore any lighthouses or beaches. Instead, we stayed in the cabin and stayed dry and warm. The kids played, watched a movie, and colored all day.
Early Friday morning, after the winds and rain had died down, we left Ft. Story and went to Jamestown. Once again, we had the place practically to ourselves, but unlike our trip to Colonial Williamsburg, there was no wind, and only a few sprinkles now and then.
Saturday was spent unwinding and running errands again, and Sunday morning found us making the 9.25 hour trip home to TN.
Looking back, the entire trip was insane! Would I do it again? Yes, but give me a week or so to recover first. :)